Sunday, July 22, 2007

He's a Basque-Man!

How can't you be in command of a race when your name is Contador, Con-ta-DOR! Accent on the last just rolls off the tongue...Gee Sally is that Con-ta-DOR! Yes, Buffy it is, and he is so dreamy!...

CON-TA-DOR!!! You can use it in a manner of speech now, for example- I just Contadored that a serious hors category climb Kip! No way Chip, that's wicked awesome!

Do your self a favor be a Con-ta-Dor man, or for you femme fatals out there, be a Con-ta-dor-ess on your next climb up your favorite mountain pass...

1 comment:

Piotrek said...

I'll be Contadoring some hill intervals tomorrow.