Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Climber's Cup people...

Jon Gallagher is the man! He put on another great race and even ordered a tail wind, a big tail the tune of speed's hitting 40mph plus on the flats. So Jon does his race stuff, gets a quick warm up, then rips it up. He's going to Seattle this weekend and will do the World Cyclocross Championships later this year. The G-man waited to peek late, so keep an eye on him- he should do well... and by the way he looks like Levi from the back when he's spinning circles...

Talkin' 'bout doing well in the World's congrats to another one for Dirkus Cowleyus, he trained like a dog this summer, right up and through nationals, way to work it D.C.

Shaeffer is flying right now, obviously... he put in a great time, as did Zimble(men), yeah I pluralized him... Shaef-dog is going to the Everst Challange, I think he's gonna tame it, so good luck Bra, and to all the other Paul Tracy's facing it... I know the Boss is on form, hell everyone's strong in the P.T... but special kudo's to Jimmy Wingman, he's a power man by trade but always show's up to climb, lay it down!

Kash Johnson is a way fast climber, and yeah he's 15... He could be like another Mitch "Copper" Peterson...we'll get back to him what's Kash's nickname going to be... please vote...and feel free to add your own.
  1. Kash "Valley"
  2. Fast Kash
  3. Cold hard Kash
  4. Mo' Kash (double meaning in Utah)
  5. Kash on hand
  6. Kash in the bank
  7. Rockin' the Kash-ba
  8. Kash it in
  9. Kash on the Barrel-head
  10. Don't except checks...sorry I ran out

Mitchell Peterson is so fast there is no nickname... but he wears a cool uni with a big sherrif's badge on it, so I'll call him the Copper... he's kinda like a Mod Squad dude with that big hair... Mitch if you cut it you could gain about a minute on the climb, but the college chicks might not dig it... so keep your priorities straight and keep the coif...

New fast chick, ex-oly gal Abby Larson... second straight torching of a local Hill Climb... watch out for her, she is new to the sport...looks like the femme fatal version of Billy the Kid Demong who tore up the 3's this year. Way to go Abbith Climbith... latin is totally in for nicknames right now...

That's it for now, gotta bring the male spawn to guitar lessons ASAP or I'm DOA.



Brutus Fortuitis said...

She is very strong. She tested me at the UofU and we talked quite a bit. Used to be a runner. Very nice results. Sucks if I had to compete against her though. I do wonder how she will do in a road race with a good chunk of flat ground.

B-Horn said...

Ha, ha...nice new photo Pio, bad in'll do fine.


DeletedBlog said...

That was a painful half hour up that climb! Good thing we had that tail wind!

Piotrek said...

How about Jumping Jack Kash? Nah, too offensive.

B-Horn said...

P-man, I like that a lot! Jumpin' Jack Kash he's a gas, gas, gas...

Sohmy, you looked good climbing... you had a mean face on, were sweating like a dog and were all over your bike... that's a 9 for style points in my book... anyway I saw you right at the first u-turn when you ascend up the actual Mt... good job man.

Mistress Julie said...

Nice poem Hornet. Are you coming to race cross with me?

DeletedBlog said...

You should have seen Gardie kick all of our asses up Royal Street last night! Had no idea that guy could climb that fast!

B-Horn said...

Thanks Julie,

I am so burnt from this season, I can barely pedal. But, I am going to watch the Sunday Fests at the Farm and will cheer ya on for sure. I don't have a cool whip but I have a stinger to prod with...(yeah, yeah pun intended)

Sohmy, I spoke to Louis and he told me Gardie went crazy fast, so I looked up the results, damn! Anyway his girlfriend(s) must be treating him're kind of a young version of Luscious- you stud...

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the props and the vote of confidence..... hopefully I'll have a chance to race more next year and see how I fair in crits and rr. Still pretty green though....

B-Horn said...

Abbith, no prob, you earned it... I would highly recommend doing some crits and some flat RR's because they are so different then climbs...

If you are in PC then Cole Sport may still have some group rides going and they have some pretty strong can always ride with Canyon Bicycles out of Draper we meet Sat and Sun's @9am... let me know if you every want to do a Sunday ride with the group and I will make sure to be there...
