"Hey, Mary Kate... you are never going to believe this... Lance Armstrong just texted me and wants to hook up and hang in Manhattan tonight... I'm gonna go for it, I knew these sunglasses would make me look older, I'm glad I got you a pair too, I told you they would work! Hey, maybe Tiger Woods would go out with you, he's so cute... oh yeah he's married, hum, lets see who's available"... dum, dum, dum dum...

and that's how it all began...
I still think that one huge relief is better than two anorexic ones.
depends on how 'huge' we're talking about. Two Olsen twins is undeniably better than one Rosie O'Donnell.
I think I'd rather go releifless than explore either of those two (or 2.5) options.
"You like drugs?? Wow, I like drugs too!!"
I read it too. The only thing that would have made it better is if he was dating both of them!! ha ha.
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