Monday, March 17, 2008

It got me!

It got my Em, it got my Ben, it came back and got 'em twice, it got the neighborhood... it got a lot of my vet's... but it didn't get me... it tried and it tried but no way... until last Wednesday, boom the nasty virus hit me like a runaway train I tell ya.

The doc said I probably had it longer, by the looks of it... worst sinus infection swelling up the nares she has ever seen, came post viral splurge of headaches and fun... oh yeah, on my way to the doc's office, opened up my sunglasses (had since college) and bang! The glasses split in two over the nose piece has I was placing the shades on my face, and yes, you guessed it! The sharpe shard of plastic hit me square in the right eye. I thought I got shot by 007! It scared the bejesus out of me... Needless to say I got a big gash across my cornea, BAM! Have 20- somethin' bad vision in my unlucky eye, but it should heal just fine by the weekend, gotta go back to bed... later... I'll try not to rip off my ear tonight. I must've really ticked off St. Pat last year...


Ari said...

Oh BH so sorry you feel so shitty...I hope you get better soon! Sending monkey noodle soup your way - I hear it clears the nasal passages better than vix. And man, sorry about the cornea - hey maybe the girl with the wet pants might look good :D

Piotrek said...

Bummer! 5 showers, 3 baths a day should take care of the cold in no time though. Steam, steam, everywhere steam. Hope your eye heals OK. We don't wanna have to start calling you The Ballistic Cornea, or worse yet, The Pirate.

Sara said...

Oat Lung...Glass Eye...What next?!