I've got a new ride, uncle Bob (in pic) just delivered it... I can fit a couple of lasses (or one really big'un) on the back of this bad boy... course real men don't use training wheels, what's up with that? And it run's on moonshine... so I figure I got that goin' for me... ' cause I do try to go bio-fuels whenever possible...
I saw it three months ago on the internets and Bob picked it up for me last week in Kentucky. I'm so happy I could just spit, parties at my house!
doesn't look very aero.
maybe zipp can makes you some custom wheels
Humongous Relief!
Hillarious P! irideiwrite... I just got on your blog Tres Bien frere, tres bien...
Training wheels and a gut
man are you slipping.
I hope you don't bleed out the ears to bad at the races.
Skarp, that's not me that's uncle Bob, unfortunaelty my gut is way bigger... but I'm only entering races that are completely down hill by more than 6%, I'm now a descending specialist...
You aint got no gut ,you have to stick your tongue just so people can see you,you're still gonna bleed from the ears though,Well I'll try my best to make it happen
hey I'm a canyon guy now, the other canyon but still canyon
Skarp, if anyone can make me bleed its you...ok no gut but I got lots of junk in the trunk... anyway I guess if you are on our "sister team" than we are officially "step sisters" now... Those guys were tough... now tougher... I'm going to see Hanseen for a fit adjustment Friday... I'll ask for the super aero MS hardman fit...
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