Monday, February 4, 2008


One, uno, ein... whatever...

One used to be good, as in you're number one! But, one can also be bad, in fact horrendous.

Gee, here's a wee example- win 18 games straight and lead with 35 seconds left of the last and most important game... THAT'S 1159 MINUTES 25 SECONDS OF UNDEFEATED... only to lose. Nothing against the G-men, they played inspired ball, made the big plays and frankly out-coached "the coach"... man, I used to like the number one, but when you add it to 18 with a black dash inbetween, it doesn't quite have the same affect.... 35 SECONDS, ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! What is this the Yankee's - Sox circa "78. Is Eli's middle name "Bucky?"

1 comment:

Piotrek said...

Sorry man, I always root for the underdog. Please forgive me.