Thursday, April 10, 2008


I called the UCA Crit number yesterday and Nicole, Marek's wife answered.

Most racers probably know by now that Marek had a stroke. Man that hits home. I mean he is not old, and he is certainly not out of shape, and I don't see him chain smokin' Camel unfiltered cig's at the crits... so what gives?

Marek may not know this, but I owe a lot to him. I decided last year that I would like to try announcing Cyclo-Cross and Sadaharaohran said "give it a shot." I showed up for my first gig at RMR and Marek already had the C flight going. He had the mic, was announcing alone and needless to say was awesome... I, on the other hand, was just a tad bit better than stupendouly horrible. But, he kept on jumping in and giving me tips... by the end of the day I was alright... Not once did he even remotely make me feel like the chump I was, he just kept on adding great commentary that was pretty damn entertaining.

This year, it appears as if, not only with the crits, but also for the TT's, we are gaining even more momentum with larger fields in comparison to years past. Pretty impressive when you consider the weather hasn't really co-operated... No doubt Marek's guiding hand has had a lot to do with it. He's a pretty even keeled dude who has his act together to make sure the races go smoothly from start to finish. This is due to not only his enthusiasm for the sport, but also his keen business acumen.

At this time Marek's physical recovery is going quite well and has even made it out of SICU back to his casa on the bench. Nicole told me that he does enjoy visitor's and it will definately help speed his recovery. So let's all give back a little bit to a guy that helps make our training a lot more enjoyable...

So the Hornet is raising a full necked ice cold Grolsch for you brother Shon, I will visit early next week. And even more importanly you should know that everyone I have spoken to, all have you in their prayer's for a speedy and full recovery. We want to see your smiling face again soon, and I need you to hold me back at the TT's to keep my start legal, my track stands are lame at best!!!
